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zev honked back 09 Sep 2024 12:15 -0700
in reply to: https://mastodon.social/users/cks/statuses/113108452304727111

@cks @0x0ddc0ffee @drscriptt

In theory I guess you could have the (soft) power switch wired to the BMC as basically a GPIO pin and then the BMC controlling the 'power switch' wired to the PCH or wherever it would go

On the platforms I've developed BMC firmware for that's pretty much exactly how it's arranged. Yes, it's more moving parts between the physical button and actually powering on the host, though often mitigated somewhat by a "GPIO pass-through" feature of popular BMC SoCs (Aspeed parts, at least), wherein you can configure the GPIO controller to basically just bridge two pins together in hardware so there's no software in between and it acts like a direct connection, which can be useful for times when the software that usually manages those GPIOs isn't able to do so for whatever reason (like during the BMC's boot sequence).

zev honked back 06 Sep 2024 12:57 -0700
in reply to: https://honk.bewilderbeest.net/u/zev/h/6g22S9x8FBwvDnG2bs

Some rocks just don't want to split even after extensive sledgehammering. Fortunately with the right blade a circular saw can make it a little easier.

Also, wow that's by a wide margin the fastest I've ever drained a 4Ah battery (and given that I guess the thermal self-protection shutoff shouldn't have been a surprise).

large stone split in two, partially a clean smooth cut and part a rough split

zev honked 05 Sep 2024 21:24 -0700

This week's project: back yard concrete demolition.

Started out with a rotohammer and 42" bolt cutters for the rebar. It...worked, but was very slow going, so I decided to try renting a jackhammer instead.

Found that the jackhammer was sufficiently heavy that setting it down and picking it back up (when switching between it and the crowbar) was a non-negligible fraction of the overall work -- turning the ladder and some scrap 2x4s into an improvised stand for it turned out to be a big win.

makita jackhammer leaned up against a ladder in my back yard

zev honked 31 Aug 2024 14:36 -0700

I wonder how much energy could be saved globally by web sites not having gratuitous constant background animations burning CPU cycles on every single client that loads the page for as long as they keep the tab open.

(This post inspired by my suddenly-audible CPU fan.)

zev honked back 29 Aug 2024 11:35 -0700
in reply to: https://mastodon.social/users/mhoye/statuses/113046637711135833

@cks @mhoye ...except that's still prone to race conditions, because there's a non-zero (brief, but not entirely negligible) window of time between passing the point of no return on deciding to press a key or click a button and actually doing so, and if the focus-theft happens within that window you're still screwed.

I think what I want is "no program can steal input focus ever, period".

zev honked 28 Aug 2024 20:52 -0700

IBM's really branching out these days

wine bottles at a grocery store labeled "AIX"

zev honked 16 Aug 2024 12:22 -0700

What's this? Signs of life from The Onion? Might it be...maybe...dare I even say it...a glimmer of de-shittification in the darkness?

zev honked 15 Aug 2024 16:30 -0700

Gary Clark Jr last night: pretty damn cool.

Gary Clark Jr & band on stage at Chateau Ste Michelle

zev honked back 13 Aug 2024 14:24 -0700
in reply to: https://mastodon.well.com/users/rk/statuses/112956762705298080

@rk @sj Except rmdir(2) is going to fail with ENOTEMPTY, no? You can hold an open fd for an empty directory, but then creating a new file inside it via openat on the directory fd still fails with ENOENT (and similarly if you hold on to it by chdir-ing into it instead of opening it and then creating things in ".").

You could also put secrets in anonyous tempfiles, but at least on Linux other processes could still access it via /proc/$PID/fd.

zev bonked 07 Aug 2024 20:30 -0700
original: dgar@aus.social

Roses are red.
Roses are blue.
Depending on their velocity
relative to you.

zev honked back 06 Aug 2024 15:09 -0700
in reply to: https://mastodon.well.com/users/rk/statuses/112917324620075255

@rk @mos_8502 In my experience AFS is mostly reasonable to use (modulo Kerberos complications and learning a new permissions system) and from an abstract design standpoint definitely the "nicest", but having once years ago briefly looked into what would be involved in setting up and running it myself I decided it made NFS look comparatively trivial and did not pursue it further.

Realistically, for the kinds of usage I'm picturing from @mos_8502's post, I'd reach for sshfs -- the setup process is basically "run sshd on server, run sshfs on client" and you're done.

zev honked 17 Jul 2024 18:18 -0700

Palatial indeed.

front of the Mitchell, SD Corn Palace

zev honked 16 Jul 2024 07:17 -0700

The Art of Beer Drinking, Fascicle 1.

(From last night; I am not engaging in these arts at 9:00AM.)

Knuth Brewing Co beer tap

zev honked 06 Jul 2024 18:59 -0700

Honking across America: a nice sunset over beers & pizza in Des Moines, IA.

two beers on an outdoor restaurant table with sunset in background

zev honked back 02 Jul 2024 17:52 -0700
in reply to: https://donotsta.re/objects/70ed3335-237c-4892-b26e-558409553b15

@domi @voltagex @th For the in-band firmware update mechanism (i.e. through the BMC's web interface), the *.ima files ASRock uses are yes, a raw flash image, but typically with a footer appended with some additional little bits (checksums of some sort, perhaps?) that I think its update machinery may actually verify, though I'm not certain.

However, you can probably bypass that by blasting new firmware in from the host via @arj's nifty tool culvert.

zev honked back 02 Jul 2024 12:40 -0700
in reply to: https://social.v.st/users/th/statuses/112718296299666106

@th @domi In my experience with Supermicros (at least on earlier ones without BMC secure boot), without even opening up the chassis it's also pretty easy to unpack a firmware image, replace the useless SMASH CLP shell with a symlink to a real shell, re-pack/install/boot, and then just ssh into it.

zev bonked 21 Jun 2024 12:59 -0700
original: graydon@types.pl

Long post

Long post

@regehr @durin42 @dsp I guess this is part of my "nothing in a vacuum" point though. Git didn't come from CVS. It came from BitKeeper and Monotone; and Monotone came from BitKeeper, Aegis, Venti, Linked Timestamps (and a dozen others we knew of); and BitKeeper came from TeamWare which came from SCCS. If you work through the history there's a nearly continuous "X plus an incremental change" pattern to development, not so much dramatic reorgs.

(IMO this is true of almost all intellectual history and one of the reasons I think it's both an interesting and frustrating field. People _remember_ large structural changes in how-things-happen as though they are anchored in single inventors and singular moments of invention, but when you zoom in on the history they never do. It's more like "incremental changes pile up to the point where a sea-change in the broader field becomes plausible and then later inevitable".)