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Hoo boy...what have I gotten myself into?

zev honked 17 Jul 2024 18:18 -0700

Palatial indeed.

front of the Mitchell, SD Corn Palace

zev honked 16 Jul 2024 07:17 -0700

The Art of Beer Drinking, Fascicle 1.

(From last night; I am not engaging in these arts at 9:00AM.)

Knuth Brewing Co beer tap

zev honked 06 Jul 2024 18:59 -0700

Honking across America: a nice sunset over beers & pizza in Des Moines, IA.

two beers on an outdoor restaurant table with sunset in background

zev honked back 02 Jul 2024 17:52 -0700
in reply to: https://donotsta.re/objects/70ed3335-237c-4892-b26e-558409553b15

@domi @voltagex @th For the in-band firmware update mechanism (i.e. through the BMC's web interface), the *.ima files ASRock uses are yes, a raw flash image, but typically with a footer appended with some additional little bits (checksums of some sort, perhaps?) that I think its update machinery may actually verify, though I'm not certain.

However, you can probably bypass that by blasting new firmware in from the host via @arj's nifty tool culvert.

zev honked back 02 Jul 2024 12:40 -0700
in reply to: https://social.v.st/users/th/statuses/112718296299666106

@th @domi In my experience with Supermicros (at least on earlier ones without BMC secure boot), without even opening up the chassis it's also pretty easy to unpack a firmware image, replace the useless SMASH CLP shell with a symlink to a real shell, re-pack/install/boot, and then just ssh into it.

zev bonked 21 Jun 2024 12:59 -0700
original: graydon@types.pl

Long post

Long post

@regehr @durin42 @dsp I guess this is part of my "nothing in a vacuum" point though. Git didn't come from CVS. It came from BitKeeper and Monotone; and Monotone came from BitKeeper, Aegis, Venti, Linked Timestamps (and a dozen others we knew of); and BitKeeper came from TeamWare which came from SCCS. If you work through the history there's a nearly continuous "X plus an incremental change" pattern to development, not so much dramatic reorgs.

(IMO this is true of almost all intellectual history and one of the reasons I think it's both an interesting and frustrating field. People _remember_ large structural changes in how-things-happen as though they are anchored in single inventors and singular moments of invention, but when you zoom in on the history they never do. It's more like "incremental changes pile up to the point where a sea-change in the broader field becomes plausible and then later inevitable".)

zev honked back 10 Jun 2024 12:51 -0700
in reply to: https://hachyderm.io/users/w8emv/statuses/112594031441817813

@w8emv @aburka That does sound like sshfs in reverse -- so you could perhaps use sshfs back from the beefy server to your local client (it has configurable caching options available).

Though I wonder if perhaps what @aburka is remembering is cpu from Plan 9? (Which is of course one of those annoyingly-named things that's nigh impossible to search for, so I don't have a great link to point to at the moment...)

zev honked back 22 May 2024 20:28 -0700
in reply to: https://mastodon.social/users/dougall/statuses/112488200751670463

@dougall Also perhaps noteworthy: the commit that fixes it is a revert of a revert...of a revert. (Hello, semantic satiation.)

And further, the commit hashes of second and third commits in that chain of reverts (the most recent two) just so happen to have fourteen prefix bits in common, throwing off my mental tracking of which was which via the first three hex digits when trying to count how many reversions had actually happened.

zev honked 11 May 2024 23:53 -0700

Canis borealis.

dog in profile with aurora in background